Concussions and Nasal Specifics: Office and Home Care
Concussions occur when there is either a blow to the head which “concusses the brain” and possibly the spinal cord. There are basically two kinds of concussions: Impact—blow to the head/neck/spinal cord–and Non-impact, like a whiplash from a car accident that does involve the head but perhaps the neck or upper back/spinal cord.
And then there is what is called 2nd concussions: these are when a player/athlete may be released too soon after the initial injury/concussion and a 2nd blow to the head occurs, or a non-impact or whiplash event occurs. In this case, the brain literally “shorts out” and death occurs. There were 18 documented high school deaths in 2017.
Dr. Omalu, M.D., who was featured in the movie “Concussion”, showed in his research that an impact concussion causes brain cells to weaken, bleed and their functional capacity is compromised. Abnormal proteins are formed in the brain, so-called neurofibrillary tangles, threads are formed. This he called Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy or CTE.
CTE is essentially damage and accelerated aging of the brain with degeneration of the brain cells. CTE also damages the part of your brain that is responsible for your emotions, for your mood. In fact, every domain of human functioning is compromised by continuing, repeated, physical insults, as in Football. So CTE is a progressive disease beginning –depending on the severity of the concussion—with an initial impact of some kind.

To summarize:
There are 2 basic types of concussions: Impact concussions, like in football, soccer, baseball. And Non-Impact/impulse concussions, like in a whiplash injury like a car accident, or a concussive blast like the ones the soldiers experience in for ex. in the Iraq/Afghanistan Wars. Both types will “jar the brain”, either “bouncing” the brain off the skull bones, or “stretch your spinal cord and brain”. Both will cause the bones of your head to “lock up”.
Both kinds of concussions can lead to many problems, like memory loss, balance problems, vision problems, hearing problems, sinus problems, emotional problems, etc.
According to the Brain Injury Alliance of Oregon, from 2002-2006, the estimated number of concussions/traumatic brain injuries in the United States were:
• 52,000 deaths
• 275,000 hospitalizations
• 1,365,000 ER visits
• Numerous others unreported, receiving other medical care or none at all. Some current estimates are at 5 million concussions yearly.

Basic Medical Care:
Evaluation includes physical exam, Cat Scan or MRI. Once the diagnosis is made, then rest and gradual return to regular activity as long as certain parameters are met. Ex. no more headaches for one.
What’s Missing in the Concussion Discussion?
You have 22 bones in your skull. Every time the head receives a blow or the neck or back receives a whiplash, there is a great possibility that these 22 bones will in some way “lock up”. It is their way of protecting your brain. But it is a double edged sword. If the skull bones don’t fracture from an impact, they lock up and the brain literally “bounces back and forth or around” inside the skull.
The sequelae begin: for example headaches, dizziness, memory loss, vision problems, balance problems, emotional problems, insomnia, etc. Whichever part of the brain is effected the most, so goes the symptomatic picture. And many of my patients have long-since forgotten their head blows and now have chronic sinusitis, snoring problems, etc.
Could This Be You? Here Are The Options I Offer My Patients
Have you, a loved one, family or friend had or suffer from a concussion? Chances are they have at the least hit/bumped/thumped their head in some fashion, or maybe had a forceps delivery or a difficult birth, etc. If so, then they may be suffering with the effects to this day. Most commonly we see patients with posttraumatic headaches, TMJ, chronic sinusitis issues and many of the other symptoms associated with head trauma.

My Treatment
Obviously, there are many treatments for post traumatic concussions and brain injuries. My specialty and expertise is based on my over 40 years of experience with closed head trauma—concussions– so I am giving you mine. My opinion is that unless the bones of the head are unlocked after a concussion, then you will continue to “drive around with your brakes on” and suffer accordingly.
History and Examination
Knowing your history is very important to me. From birth to your current visit with me. Many people have had bumps and thumps that they have long forgotten as children, in athletics, etc. The most common response to hitting the head and not being knocked out is to simply “wear it out” or to minimize its severity simply because most people don’t know what to do.
For example, when people fall and they are familiar with chiropractic care, they will go get their back or neck adjusted, realigning the bones. But the head must also be adjusted. Specifically the sphenoid bone, the base of all the skull bones. This is where I come in as I specifically address the bones and joints of the head to see if they are “locked up”. And if they are, they need to be adjusted.
So your history is important.
As for examination, in addition to the standard medical evaluation, I examine the 22 bones of the head and their joints by feeling along what we call the suture lines or joints—where the bones meet— to see if they are tight or tender. If so, then we know they are “locked up” and need to be adjusted. The diagnosis being “Cranial Fixations”, or in lay terms the bones are “locked up”.
Treatment In The Office
The Bilateral Nasal Specific Treatment is the hallmark treatment that I been providing for concussion patients since 1976, along with spinal adjustments to be sure the bones of the spine are aligned and not putting any pressure on the spinal nerves which gives your body the best opportunity to heal.
Additionally in the office I show you how to traction your back and neck at home to reduce nerve irritation to your spine and also maximize the circulation to your brain for purposes of healing.
Home Care
I divide this into two sections: Mechanical and Nutritional.
You are to traction the spine daily and at bedtime as I will show you. Again, to decrease nerve pressure and increase circulation to your brain and all parts of your body.
Mini-trampolining. This is to increase the circulation, particularly the lymphatic circulation of every cell and tissue in your body, particularly the brain in this case. 10-15 minutes at a time is good. But just gently bouncing, not jumping. The science of this is explained very well at
You have billions of nerve cells in your brain. They have to be nourished as well.
Water is essential. Spring Water, bottled at the source, is recommended. Chrystal Geyser is recommended in this part of the country. Water hydrates your brain cells.
Diet: Avoid the “white plague”: white flour, white sugar and pasteurized milk. Eat organic as much as possible. Wild salmon, blueberries, green leafy veges, spinach, whole grains and rice, nuts, olive oil, garlic and others. Lewis Labs Brewer’s Yeast is also a specific brain and nervous system food.
Whole Food Concentrate Supplements:
The fluids around the brain must be nutritionally balanced. Called Hoffmeister’s Ratio. The supplements specifically for this are called Cal Mag (Nutriplex Formulas) and Green Nutrients (Nutriplex Formulas).
B Food (Nutriplex Formulas).This feeds the brain directly with foods high in B Vitamins. Not synthetic vitamins.
Vas Cor (Nutriplex Formulas): This feeds the circulation so that it is well nourished.
For more information you can call my office to schedule a consultation at 503-472-6550 or got to my website at