I have had the good fortune to study with and converse with and observe my clinical biochemistry and nutrition mentors for countless hours from a very young age of 16 until age until around 1988 when the last of them passed on.

Their combined clinical nutritional experiences of over 250 years that they graciously shared with me—and now my own clinical nutritional experience of over 40 years– has allowed me to “laser in “on my patients on many of the chronic degenerative nutritional conditions my patients suffer with.

I certainly don’t know everything, but I do know my approach has been extremely effective and empowering to patients who are committed to their health. Click on this picture on top and WATCH my Nutritional Introduction Video.

So What Is My Approach To Your Condition?
I have structured my approach to evaluate your diet through a 7 day diet diary, a Symptom Survey, my review of both, a discussion with you evaluating your supplements, and finally my recommendations for your condition.

My conclusions, from a nutritional standpoint, will be based on your need to get the freshest, certified organic foods to include fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains. Wild fish. Grass -fed, grass-finished beef, raw milk products when possible, like Kerry’s Gold Butter, Celtic Sea Salt, Oils as fresh as possible and not rancid. 

And finally, supplements that are whole food concentrates that are raw, organic, non-gmo’d and untreated.

It’s that simple.

Let me help you help yourself, your family, your friends.

Dedicated to your health,

Dr. Siegfried