“If you are one in 30-Million American’s who suffer with Chronic Sinus problems, ‘Have tried everything,’ and if you are sick and tired of suffering , and are DESPERATE for relief, then this message is for you” 

If you always, or even occasionally, suffer with chronic sinus problems and endure symptoms like sinusitis, dry mouth, dry eyes, snoring, sleep apnea, chronic sinus headaches, migraine headaches, “foggy brain”, even chronic jaw pain…

… Or if you’ve tried and failed to gain relief from drugs like Flonase, Zyrtec, Claritin, Afrin, Mucinex, Sudafed…
… Or if you have used treatments like sinus irrigation, a CPAP machine, or even tried taping your mouth shut so that you can sleep at night. Maybe you’ve even had one or more sinus surgeries…

Then this Message is For You.

How Did it Get Like This?

It’s a question my patients always ask, and the answer helps to clarify the causes of your possible head condition. Let’s look at your situation, and it goes all the way back to your beginning.
Was your birth traumatic physically? Did your mother have a long labor? Was she induced? Were you forceps delivered? Vacuum extraction? If your mom is still alive it would be interesting to find out. As an infant, do you know whether you hit your head on the coffee table running around the house in your diapers? Or fell off your bike and thumped your head learning to ride your two-wheeler? Or did a face plant while running and learning to get your balance?

Any other slips, or falls where you ended up “bonking” your head? Did you have allergies, asthma, or tubes put into your ears?
Ever fall backwards off the swing and thump your head? Or when riding a motor bike and have a fall where your bike went one way, and you went flying into a tree?
A patient of mine did at age 17. He was saved by his helmet and suffered no broken bones, but he had a bad concussion and woke up in the hospital, remembering nothing. My treatment got him back riding within 3 weeks of regular treatments. The list of what I call bumps, thumps, and blows to the head goes on. But here is the point…
If you have bumped, thumped, or had a blow to your head, and you haven’t broken any bones in your head, by definition, the 22 bones in your head may be “locked up” and you could be “driving around with your brakes on.”

This could likely be contributing to any of the myriad of symptoms that brought you to this point in your life.

If Time really did heal all wounds,” you would be fine. But if you’re suffering, you don’t need to “deal with it” the rest of your life.

If you can keep an open mind, and if you would like to greatly increase the quality of your life, then reading this short letter may be the most beneficial few minutes of your life. You’ll see if indeed any of these possible bumps, thumps, or blows to your head could be interfering with your breathing, energy, sleeping, and more.

Your Head Bones and Symptoms Connection A little anatomy is in order… You have 22 moveable bones in your head. They all pivot off the sphenoid bone, which sits in the middle of your head, right behind your ears. When your sphenoid bone is moving as it should, your brain pump – what’s called your primary respiratory mechanism – is working and massaging your brain. When this happens, all the nerves in your brain are firing as they should and the circulation in your brain is providing nutrients to your eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, etc.
As I mentioned earlier, if you have had a difficult delivery, bumps, and thumps, even a concussion or whiplash along the way in your life, there is a good chance that the sphenoid and other bones in your head are “locked up” and you could be “driving around with your brakes on,” causing you to possibly have chronic sinusitis or other symptoms I described earlier.

As a leading expert, I have been practicing this special, non-surgical technique since 1976. It changed my life after suffering with chronic sinusitis and headaches for many years. I spent 10 years and over 1,000 hours studying with the developer of the technique, Dr. Stober. I became his protégé, I was the only doctor he took treatments from for his chronic sinusitis from head injuries and have performed the procedure thousands of times over the years.

What Can You Do if You’ve “Tried Everything”?
Or Are Simply Sick and Tired and Desperate for Relief?

The quickest way to get see if you can gain relief from your moderate to chronic sinus problem is to call me at (503) 472-6550. When you do, you’ll speak to either Esmeralda or Claudia. They will be able to schedule your first visit to meet with me, so you too can discover how my non-surgical, nasal specific treatment may help.

How many visits are needed?

Since providing this treatment for over 40 years, I have found that 7 treatments are needed to get your sphenoid and other bones of your head “unlocked”, “getting your brakes off” and
“getting the ball rolling”, so to speak. For patients who live locally, I recommend weekly treatments. After an initial series of treatments, we will re-evaluate after your 7th visit to see how you have progressed and make any necessary recommendations from there.

Here’s Your Prescription: Call (503) 472-6550 To Speak to Our Experienced Team and to Schedule Your Sinus Relief Consultation.
By now you realize I’m very serious about helping you seek the help you may need from your recurring sinus issues.